He Leads Me Beside the Water

Today’s a very gloomy, cloudy day here in Texas. It’s one of those days when curling up by the fireplace sounds so appealing, sipping on some hot apple cider, and either reading a book or just taking in the moment.

But instead, we’ve made it to the last of the three painting posts talking about how the paintings came to be. Have you liked these posts? Do you want to see more of these in the future?

“He Leads Me Beside the Water” basically turned out how I planned it, though not 100% like my vision. I was hoping the heart would be more subtle. I painted this back last fall over a different painting I had started but never got very far on. I didn’t want to see it anymore (not sure why), so I covered it up with a pink underpainting and then experimented with different greens and added the water.

I chose the name, “He Leads Me Beside the Water”, because of Psalm 23 and how it says that God leads use beside the still water. It’s a helpful reminder that God’s walking right along beside us and knows exactly what we’re going through, the places we need to grow and develop in, and the struggles that we contend with every day. No matter how ugly or challenging it is, we can trust that God’s going to use it to help us become the people He would have us to be. He will lead us beside the still waters!

Do you want to see more posts like this for my next paintings? Send me a message or leave a comment down below! ⬇️

This painting is for sale at Wee Whistlepig.